Riddler deluxe 1/10 art Staty
Riddler deluxe 1/10 art Staty
Omgiven av monitorer och teknisk utrustning i sin lya slappnar den alltid gåtfulla figuren av ett kriminellt geni, klädd i sin gröna kostym med en överrock full av frågetecken, med en lila slips, väst, handskar och mask, på sin tron när han uttrycker respekt för sina största motståndare. Han håller sin bowlerhatt i vänster hand och balanserar sin frågeteckenformade käpp mellan fingrarna på sin högra hand, en artefakt som har en mängd olika tekniska anordningar och vapen. Utan något mysterium avtäcker Iron Studios sin staty "The Riddler Deluxe - DC Comics Series #7 - Art Scale 1/10", med en av Batmans mest klassiska och ikoniska fiendeskurkar.
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Surrounded by monitors and tech equipment in his lair, the always enigmatic figure of a criminal genius, dressed in his green suit with an overcoat full of question marks, with a purple tie, vest, gloves, and mask, relaxes on his throne as he expresses respect to his greatest opponents. He holds his bowler hat in his left hand and balances his question mark-shaped cane between the fingers of his right hand, an artifact that has a wide variety of technological devices and weapons. Without any mystery, Iron Studios unveils its statue "The Riddler Deluxe - DC Comics Series #7 - Art Scale 1/10", featuring one of Batman's most classic and iconic enemy villains.
Vi har massor av byggsatser, figurer och coola prylar. Kolla även in all vår merchandise
Surrounded by monitors and tech equipment in his lair, the always enigmatic figure of a criminal genius, dressed in his green suit with an overcoat full of question marks, with a purple tie, vest, gloves, and mask, relaxes on his throne as he expresses respect to his greatest opponents. He holds his bowler hat in his left hand and balances his question mark-shaped cane between the fingers of his right hand, an artifact that has a wide variety of technological devices and weapons. Without any mystery, Iron Studios unveils its statue "The Riddler Deluxe - DC Comics Series #7 - Art Scale 1/10", featuring one of Batman's most classic and iconic enemy villains.
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2 944 SEK