Spider-man nwh spider-man 1 1/10 Staty
Spider-man nwh spider-man 1 1/10 Staty
Även om den fortfarande är tonåring, men redan med stor erfarenhet av att agera tillsammans med Avengers, står den karismatiske webbskyttarhjälten inför ett av de mörkaste och mest tragiska ögonblicken i sitt liv. För att övervinna sin största utmaning, att möta skurkar från alternativa världar, får han hjälp från två äldre versioner av sig själv, som kommer från dessa universum för att hjälpa honom att rädda och läka vansinnet hos deras fiender, och återvända med dem till deras respektive ursprungliga världar. Med sin raffinerade och uppdaterade integrerade/hybriddräkt utvecklad med Tony Starks teknologi, i blå, röda och svarta färger med gyllene detaljer, fick den yngste Peter Parker, original från denna värld i MCU-universumet, smeknamnet bland sina alternativa äldre "bröder" när Peter-One gör sig redo att hoppa för action på en piedestal bildad av trä och metalliska strukturer från en ställning på Liberty Island i New York, Iron Studios presenterar Spider-Man Peter #1-statyn, inspirerad av filmen där den unga skådespelaren fullbordar sin trilogi av filmer i rollen som denna ikoniska hjälte från Marvel, en del av Phase Four i MCU.
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Although still a teenager, but already with great experience acting alongside the Avengers, the charismatic web-shooter-hero faces one of the darkest and most tragic moments of his life. To overcome his biggest challenge, facing villains from alternate worlds, he receives help from two older versions of himself, coming from these universes to help him rescue and heal the insanity of their enemies, and return with them to their respective original worlds. Using his refined and updated integrated/hybrid suit developed using Tony Stark’s technology, in the blue, red, and black colors with golden details, the youngest Peter Parker, original from this world in the MCU universe, nicknamed among his alternate older “brothers” as Peter-One, gets ready to jump for action on a pedestal formed of wood and metallic structures from a scaffold on the Liberty Island in New York, Iron Studios present the Spider-Man Peter #1 statue, inspired by the movie on which the young actor completes his trilogy of movies in the role of this iconic hero from Marvel, part of Phase Four in the MCU.
Vi har massor av byggsatser, figurer och coola prylar. Kolla även in all vår merchandise
Although still a teenager, but already with great experience acting alongside the Avengers, the charismatic web-shooter-hero faces one of the darkest and most tragic moments of his life. To overcome his biggest challenge, facing villains from alternate worlds, he receives help from two older versions of himself, coming from these universes to help him rescue and heal the insanity of their enemies, and return with them to their respective original worlds. Using his refined and updated integrated/hybrid suit developed using Tony Stark’s technology, in the blue, red, and black colors with golden details, the youngest Peter Parker, original from this world in the MCU universe, nicknamed among his alternate older “brothers” as Peter-One, gets ready to jump for action on a pedestal formed of wood and metallic structures from a scaffold on the Liberty Island in New York, Iron Studios present the Spider-Man Peter #1 statue, inspired by the movie on which the young actor completes his trilogy of movies in the role of this iconic hero from Marvel, part of Phase Four in the MCU.
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