Bela lugosi as dracula 1/8 scale model kit
Bela lugosi as dracula 1/8 scale model kit
Se Transsylvaniens fasa, greve Dracula, porträtterad av Bela Lugosi, när han släpper lös sina övernaturliga krafter och försöker stilla sin omättliga törst efter blod. Som en hyllning till Bela Lugosis ikoniska gestaltning av den legendariska karaktären säkerställde vårt samarbete med LUGOSI LLC att varje detalj, från kostymen till tillbehören, fångades exakt, vilket resulterade i denna finskaliga återgivning. Detta skalamodellpaket förkroppsligar den ikoniska poseringen som är förknippad med karaktären, och omfattar den gåtfulla karisma och aristokratiska charm som definierar Dracula. De förlängda armarna och fingrarna elegant böjda, som ger händerna ett kloliknande utseende, skapar en fascinerande siluett som har blivit synonymt med karaktärens olycksbådande elegans och teatralitet. The Atmospheric Diorama Basen skildrar vältaligt de hemsökande ruinerna av greve Draculas slott och fördjupar dig i hans mörka rike. Scenen är konstfullt förbättrad med fängslande varelser, som fladdermöss och råttor, som frammanar en kuslig atmosfär."
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Behold the Transylvania’s horror, Count Dracula, portrayed by Bela Lugosi, as he unleashes his supernatural powers and seeks to satisfy his insatiable thirst for blood. Paying homage to Bela Lugosi’s iconic portrayal of the legendary character, our collaboration with LUGOSI LLC ensured that every detail, from the costume to the accessories, was accurately captured, resulting in this finely scaled rendition. This scale model kit embodies the iconic pose associated with the character, encompassing the enigmatic charisma and aristocratic charm that defines Dracula. The extended arms and fingers elegantly curled, that give the hands a claw-like appearance, create a mesmerizing silhouette that has become synonymous with the character’s sinister elegance and theatricality. The Atmospheric Diorama The base eloquently portrays the haunting ruins of Count Dracula’s castle, immersing you in his dark realm. The scene is artfully enhanced with captivating creatures, such as bats and rats, conjuring an eerie atmosphere.”
Vi har massor av byggsatser, figurer och coola prylar. Kolla även in all vår merchandise
Behold the Transylvania’s horror, Count Dracula, portrayed by Bela Lugosi, as he unleashes his supernatural powers and seeks to satisfy his insatiable thirst for blood. Paying homage to Bela Lugosi’s iconic portrayal of the legendary character, our collaboration with LUGOSI LLC ensured that every detail, from the costume to the accessories, was accurately captured, resulting in this finely scaled rendition. This scale model kit embodies the iconic pose associated with the character, encompassing the enigmatic charisma and aristocratic charm that defines Dracula. The extended arms and fingers elegantly curled, that give the hands a claw-like appearance, create a mesmerizing silhouette that has become synonymous with the character’s sinister elegance and theatricality. The Atmospheric Diorama The base eloquently portrays the haunting ruins of Count Dracula’s castle, immersing you in his dark realm. The scene is artfully enhanced with captivating creatures, such as bats and rats, conjuring an eerie atmosphere.”
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860 SEK
Ordinarie pris
860 SEK