Spider-man nwh spider-man 3 1/10 Staty
Spider-man nwh spider-man 3 1/10 Staty
Kallas "Peter-Three" av sina allierade, den unge hjälten från ett alternativt universum omfamnar sin roll som mellanbror från trion gjord av olika versioner av sig själv i en annan värld. Redo och villig att hjälpa sin yngre version och sin lite äldre version att möta två av sina största motståndare och andra fiender som fortfarande är okända för honom, så att de kan återföras var och en till sitt eget universum, han hemsöks fortfarande av sitt misslyckande med att rädda hans avlidna flickvän, Gwen Stacy. Han utvecklade sina syntetiska webbskyttar med hjälp av Oscorps Biocable-teknologi från sin värld och använder en röd och blå kostym delad av svarta linjer, och en mask med stora ögon som visir för att skydda sin identitet. På en piedestal formad av trä och metalliska strukturer från en ställning på Liberty Island i New York förbereder sig den fantastiska väggklättraren med öppna armar redo för action. Iron Studios, återgiven med maximal uppmärksamhet ner till de minsta detaljerna i hans kostym och anatomi, tar fram statyn "Spider-Man Peter-Three BDS - Spider-Man: No Way Home -Art Scale 1/10", inspirerad av filmen där skådespelaren återupptar sin roll från Spider-Man-filmerna av Marc Webb.
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Called “Peter-Three” by his allies, the young hero from an alternate universe embraces his role as the middle brother from the trio made of different versions of himself in another world. Ready and willing to aid his younger version and his slightly older version to face two of his biggest opponents, and other enemies still unknown to him, so that they can be returned each to their own universe, he is still haunted by his failure in saving his deceased girlfriend, Gwen Stacy. He developed his synthetic web-shooters using the Oscorp’s Biocable technology from his world and uses a red and blue suit divided by black lines, and a mask with big eyes as visors to protect his identity. On a pedestal formed of wood and metallic structures from a scaffold on the Liberty Island in New York, the amazing wall climber prepares himself with his arms opened ready for action. Reproduced with maximum attention down to the tiniest details of his suit and anatomy, Iron Studios bring the statue “Spider-Man Peter-Three BDS - Spider-Man: No Way Home -Art Scale 1/10”, inspired by the movie in which the actor reruns his role from the Spider-Man movies by Marc Webb.
Vi har massor av byggsatser, figurer och coola prylar. Kolla även in all vår merchandise
Called “Peter-Three” by his allies, the young hero from an alternate universe embraces his role as the middle brother from the trio made of different versions of himself in another world. Ready and willing to aid his younger version and his slightly older version to face two of his biggest opponents, and other enemies still unknown to him, so that they can be returned each to their own universe, he is still haunted by his failure in saving his deceased girlfriend, Gwen Stacy. He developed his synthetic web-shooters using the Oscorp’s Biocable technology from his world and uses a red and blue suit divided by black lines, and a mask with big eyes as visors to protect his identity. On a pedestal formed of wood and metallic structures from a scaffold on the Liberty Island in New York, the amazing wall climber prepares himself with his arms opened ready for action. Reproduced with maximum attention down to the tiniest details of his suit and anatomy, Iron Studios bring the statue “Spider-Man Peter-Three BDS - Spider-Man: No Way Home -Art Scale 1/10”, inspired by the movie in which the actor reruns his role from the Spider-Man movies by Marc Webb.
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2 624 SEK
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2 624 SEK